School Districts

Centennial School is funded by the Pennsylvania Department of Education and governed by Lehigh University. Located in Bethlehem, PA, Centennial School first opened its doors in 1965 on the 100th anniversary of the founding of Lehigh University, thereby acquiring its name.
Students in need of special education services are referred to Centennial School by resident school districts. Services include:
- Special adaptations and modifications to general education curriculum
- Speech and language
- Physical education and adapted physical education
- Transition services
- Vocational Training
Centennial School is licensed by the Pennsylvania Department of Education. We are one of 34 Approved Private Schools in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania that serves students with disabilities.
Children and youth are referred to the Centennial School from any of 40 local school districts and intermediate units from the surrounding area.
Parents and guardians who wish to explore the possibility of enrolling their child in the Centennial School program should contact their home district for more information.